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28 November 2008

I have just one question

How quickly will newly appointed Defence Minister "Taliban Jack" Layton move... to open up negotiations with the jihadis in Afghanistan?

"NDP Leader Jack Layton and Stephane Dion have discussed 'roles and responsibilities' in a new coalition, an NDP official confirmed. It is expected that Layton would have a place in the new cabinet, and 'various players would play different roles'.”

RELATED: Jack and Gilles sell out "the hill"...

...and Iggy comes tumbling after...
Nothing galvanizes politicians like a threat to their own interests, and while the Liberals might have grumbled a bit and approved Mr. Flaherty’s plans for the economy, they’re willing to throw the country into chaos to preserve their access to the public purse.

"My question is why do my tax dollars have to go to a political party?"
"If the Governor General accepted the Bloc Quebecois as part of the governing coalition, then hopefully the Queen would step in and fire her for dereliction of duty."

LAST WORD: Join the fun... name that tune
"The Coalition of the Swilling"