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20 November 2008

Hung like a hummingbird

So Steffi, lemme get this straight... are we talking about the same Throne Speech that Jack and Gilles are voting against... to try bring down the Government?
You pathetic little hypocrite.

C'mon Steffi... put your money where your mouth is. Oh... that's right... you guys are broke.


"Someone should ask him what he would do if he was PM."

RELATED: Oh, please, please, please... make it Bob
-- OTTAWA -- Former Ontario premier Bob Rae formally declared his candidacy for the leadership of the federal Liberal party on Thursday, saying he won't hide from the legacy of his recession-ravaged government of the 1990s.

Mr. Rae said he's proud of his performance as Ontario's NDP premier from 1990 to 1995, when he faced large deficits and labour unrest.
Oh, Boob... keep digging!
