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05 November 2008

Hey, this is fuzzy-bunny Canada...'s worth a shot...
-- OTTAWA -- Accused terrorist Mohamed Harkat says he needs his stringent bail conditions relaxed -- and he promises he can be trusted to behave himself if Ottawa will agree to ease the rules.
I dunno Mohamed... can you say "pretty please"?

Don't laugh... it worked out pretty good for Jeremiah.


"Why haven't we given this guy ten million dollars yet? Are we a bunch of racists or what?"

LAST WORD: Paging Mayor "Super Dave" Miller...

So, yer blondeness... which gun club did this guy belong to?
Police said the victim approached the door of his 11th-floor apartment near Shuter and Parliament Sts. when the gunman fired three shots through the door, one striking the man in the abdomen.