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24 November 2008

Hey-diddle-diddle... political fiddle...

...the Commissar jumped over the Moon...
Lynch has become a gross embarrassment to the government. Hand-picking Moon to do a very narrow and selective review – in the face of Parliament’s own reviews – was an act of insubordination, and an act of political usurpation.

She’s a bureaucrat, not a lawmaker. But she was acting like an MP. She’s not. She’s a second-rate appointee, who presides over a corrupt agency. She prefers damage control and PR to actually fixing the problem in her rotting agency.
So what is the next move here?

Ezra's got an idea...
It’s the Prime Minister’s move now. He was too tolerant with Lynch, letting her upstage Parliament. Now she proposes to have hearings and consultations – clearly Parliament’s function.

How much longer will Lynch continue to give her bosses orders? How much longer will they allow her to play MP?

RELATED: And we owe it all to Elmo

The campaign against Maclean's that was born that night has now failed in three jurisdictions, and the public outcry at its perceived frivolity has drawn Canada's entire human rights bureaucracy, fairly or unfairly, into scandal and disrepute.

"I don't use, actually, the word 'failed,' " Prof. Elmasry said. "The first point that I did learn from this exercise is that Islamophobia is alive and well in Canada, in the media and also in politics," he said.

"In all of this, WE'VE been victimized."
Hang on a second... who exactly is we?
Prof. Elmasry said he represents more than 70% of Canada's Muslim population, which he pegs at one million.
Over to you, Bernie Farber.


LAST WORD: Remember this proud Elmasry moment?
-- CANADIAN PRESS -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper is “playing politics” and remains indifferent to Omar Khadr’s plight because the Guantanamo Bay prisoner is “brown-skinned” and a Muslim, says the leader of one of Canada’s largest Islamic groups.