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20 November 2008

Good news guys!

I hear the hooker lobby is already "hard at work"... on a government funded "fellatio coupon" initiative...
Should we be giving free heroin to addicts? Don't choke. Researchers in Vancouver say yes.

And they've just spent $8-million in public money to prove their case. Last month, after concluding a landmark clinical trial, they announced that the best way to treat hard-core heroin addicts is: Give them more heroin!

They argue that methadone, a much safer treatment, doesn't work with this crowd. But free heroin makes them happier, healthier and less inclined to steal so they can get their next fix.
Call me crazy... but how about we spend taxpayer dollars on folks who actually care if they live or die.


"Personally I think if we are going to go this way we may as well have an island where we send any drug addict, and drop drugs by plane. It would probably reduce crime to a greater extent and harm addicts as much as any other government program proposed."