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27 November 2008

"Entitled to their entitlements"

Liberal party wigs out... as Harper government announces proposal to end taxpayer subsidies to political parties...
Opposition parties denounced the proposal to end per-vote subsidies in the name of economic restraint as a partisan power play.

Liberal finance critic Scott Brison said his party was still deliberating on whether to oppose the proposal, but said it marks an early return to political gamesmanship by the Tories after the election.
Hey, Scotty... how about we get a little crazy... and, you know... ask the people who have to actually pay the freight here...

Well... I'd say that settles that.


UPDATE: Oh Gawd, stop... yer killin' me

Ooooh, noooo... crampin' up... can't... stop... laughing...
"The Liberals, NDP and Bloc Quebecois say they can’t support the plan because it offers no stimulus package to deal with the economic crisis."
Please, please.... no more.
