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12 November 2008

Blaring headline notwithstanding...

...what this incident... actually highlights... is Toronto District School Board trustee Stephanie Payne's utter lack of comprehension & common sense.

Just don't expect anyone in the uber-cowed, politically-correct mainstream media... to even touch this one with anybody else's 10 foot pole.
Officers were placed in 27 schools this year as part of a safety program in response to the shooting of 15-year-old Jordan Manners in a hallway of that school in May, 2007.

C.W. Jefferys, however, was not one of them, as school board trustee Stephnie Payne asked for more time to consult community members.

UPDATE: Hey Audley, can you hear the blood drops?
Principal Audley Salmon declared the school "unequivocally" safe less than three hours after the latest incident.

Salmon said such violence occurs in many schools across Ontario and Canada. "The halls in this school, without a doubt, unequivocally, are an extremely safe place," he said. "When you walk my halls during the day, you can hear a pin drop."

"That's how safe it is."

LAST WORD: Ixnay on the afesay

No Audley... this is how safe it is...
Trustee Stephanie Payne says she will allow a police officer in C.W. Jefferys Secondary School, after a stabbing in the cafeteria yesterday.

The troubled school is also where 15-year-old Jordon Manners was shot and killed.