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02 October 2008

The Wonderful Wizard of Obama

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtains!"
For more than three decades Milt Rosenberg’s nightly radio program “Extension 720” has been a cultural and intellectual treasure. The program has addressed numerous topics and has never shied from away from discussing politics and contemporary affairs.

Recently, the program attempted to conduct discussions with Stanley Kurtz and David Fredosso on separate nights.

Kurtz has been researching Obama’s ties to William Ayers, the unrepentant Weatherman terrorist who paired up with Obama on the Annenberg Challenge project. Fredosso has written a controversial book, “The Case Against Barack Obama.”

Rather than engaging in an exchange of ideas, the Obama campaign refused to send representatives to participate in the radio panel discussion and actively solicited support from its followers to disrupt the telephone call-in portion of the program.

Instead of debating the facts, the Obama team chose to slander and libel its critics.
Yeah... I'm shocked.
