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10 October 2008

Who's Smarter than a 5th Grader?

All I know is... my kid could have done a better job answering that question...
So this morning, Mr. Dion was asked about the Conservative leader's comments. "Mr. Harper's reaction is shown how much this man has no class and no plan," Mr. Dion said on CBC Newsworld.
Good grief.


UPDATE: Interesting take over at SDA...
"That outrage has less to do with what happened to Dion than it does the fact that Canadians just caught a glimpse of how this business operates, and they don't like it."

"It's a "gotcha" moment all right, but this time it's the media with their pants down. The restarts, the admission that ATV had first agreed to bury it before succumbing to sober second thought - that's too much information."

LAST WORD: "Dis question of da heconomy is bias..."
"...what about herconomy?"