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05 October 2008

Where's Diogenes when you need him?

"It's no secret about Wali Karzai and drugs," said Kheri, who speaks English. "A lot of people in the Afghan government are involved in drug trafficking."
And no... for all you demented socialist weenies out there... this isn't just another reason to "cut and run"... simply more of a reason to stay and help put things right.

Who ever said this was gonna be easy?

That's why they call it war... and not "circle of friends."


RELATED: Yup... Taliban Jack is totally on board...
Well, of course he is.

Hey, Jacko... those ignorant Afghan savages... they're just not ready to appreciate democracy, huh?
"The prospect of a dictatorship 'is the only realistic one and we must get public opinion ready to accept it,' the report quotes the alleged cable as saying."
Calling all bloodthirsty warlords...


UPDATE: Looks like Jack & the MSM got suckered
I know we're all supposed to tolerate the dumbing-down of election-campaign news "in this era of Googles," but I'm sorry, this is absolutely ridiculous. Carleton-Smith didn't even say anything newsworthy.

As is evident from the second paragraph of the Times of London article where Carleton-Smith's comments first appeared, what's happening here is that the Times is trying to extricate itself from the embarrassment of having taken seriously a "parody" of a second-hand report from a French diplomat about an opinion a British diplomat denies he ever expressed in a rumpus that originally appeared in an obscure French satirical weekly, Le Canard Enchaîné.

LAST WORD: Third time's the charm
