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14 October 2008

Well... we did our part

The Belleville region and the ridings on both sides are staying blue.

Incumbent Conservatives Daryl Kramp, Rick Norlock and Scott Reid have all been declared the winners in their respective ridings by Canadian Press.
Interestingly... although Bob and Iggy were very careful to dance around questions of Stephane Dion's continued leadership of the Liberal Party... CTV reporter Beverly Thompson gleefully reported the "snickers and whispers" down at Ignatieff H.Q.

Just now watching Duceppe taking credit for denying the Conservatives a majority government.

The big story tomorrow, according to CTV anyway... will be what valiant coalition of Opposition parties will take up the cudgel against scary, hidden Stephen Harper.

And here comes Taliban Jack... yapping about how he ran for Prime Minister to... you must be shittin' me... save Canada?

Sorry... I gotta go throw up...

Okay, I'm back... looks like Dion has finally shown up.

Guest pundit Brian Tobin just came up with some foolishness about the Liberals being in a "dominant" position in Parliament... whaaaa... maybe a joke?

Wow... Steffi just ripped reporter Roger Smith -- "...CTV is the last person I want to speak with." Hmmm... maybe Mr. Bean does have a little fire in him after all.

Lot's of rah-rah, blah-blah... now Steffi's bailing. Looks like Dion and his people have decided to shut Lloyd and Craig out.

And, whaddaya know, it's working... the CTV Spin Twins are obviously feeling chastened... this has suddenly turned into a Steffi love-fest.

Sorry... gotta go puke again.
