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17 October 2008

Well, I know they visit here...

...on a daily basis...
The City of Toronto is being asked to spend $200,000 to more closely monitor the Internet use of its employees.

In a report to next week's meeting of government management committee, the city's Chief Information Officer Dave Wallace said funds are needed to hire two full-time employees to handle the additional workload of analysing and reporting on Internet use.
What cracks me up here, is that the first two hours of pissin' around in cyberspace... is apparently deductible.
Griffiths defined "excessive" use as more than two hours of surfing, looking at more than 500 pages on 10 different web sites. He estimated the city could be losing at least $3 million a year in productivity.

RELATED: Once upon a taxpayer
Councillors, following an often heated debate, voted 31-5 Monday to spend an additional $2.6 million this year and $4.9 million in 2009 to get panhandlers into housing and social programs through the existing Streets to Homes program.

“They want some choice in their food and they want to deal with their addictions."
Of course they do... that's why they eat out of dumpsters and would cheerfully strangle granny for their next spike fulla' smack.
