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03 October 2008

Troofer words were never spoken

Clowns to the left of me...
Harper to the right...
Here I am...
Stuck in the voting with you...
Hughes said she has been told she has a strong legal case for a slander lawsuit against both Harper and Liberal Leader Stephane Dion for their comments after her column came to light.

"To wake up one day and find yourself slandered by the prime minister and the leader of the Opposition - and some in the national media - is kind of overwhelming."
Yup... just one of the many things Lesley can't quite seem to really understand.


RELATED: From better to diverse

Greetings from the "Religion of Peace"...
Mr. Larry

My name was Imel Ashta who lifes in Beruit. I am great offensive when you make funny of Islam. The holy time of celebrate is not of comedey.

You become in danger like some others have find when write bad of Islam. You family be as well.

You must stop and be sorry to me and all of Islam. You have be warn.