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18 October 2008

Too bad we can't just...

...ask a French missionary...
An aboriginal rights group has reported former International Olympic Committee vice-president Dick Pound to the IOC's ethics committee, accusing him of making racist and intolerant comments about Canada's native peoples and demanding that he be denounced ahead of the 2010 Games in Vancouver.
And how does evil, patriarchal, racist old white guy respond?
“Yes, I'm sure that there's probably a more politically correct way of expressing it in this day and age. But I was saying think back to what it was like 200 or 300 years ago before you start lecturing a 5,000-year-old society."
C'mon... let's have a little respect for the noble stone-age hunter-gatherer.


RELATED: Yeah, c'mon now... what savages?
And then, suddenly and terribly, in 1649, the whole work of the French Jesuits was swept away in a seething wave of blood and terror, as the Iroquois destroyed the Huron nation, burning all the Christian villages, murdering the warriors, and carrying off the surviving women and children to be slaves.

When the Iroquois captured the famous giant Echon, they were jubilant over their special prize. They devised unique tortures for this man who had been a legend for almost twenty-five years.

Because he would not curse them, but instead, forgave them and preached courage to the other captured Christians, the Iroquois cut out his tongue.

They scalped him while he was still alive, and when, finally, the death blow was struck, they pounced upon his body and cut out his heart, to eat it and drink his blood that they might have courage like Echon's.
And the Globe isn't taking any chances with its apparently racist audience...
FYI... it seems that my comment got censored, er... "moderated" -- but look what made it through...
William Malofy from First Nation, Canada writes: "I am not sure if Mr. Pound was refering(sic) to the 10,000 racist savages from Europe in the 17th century who came over here to Turtle Island (North America) that raped and pilaged(sic) the First Nations people and the earth OR was he refering(sic) to the Native Culture that were the Keepers of the Earth; the First Nations peoples."
Fair AND balanced.
