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20 October 2008

"Today... we are all..."

"...'Communication, Energy and Paper Workers'... whether we like it... or not.
" -- CANADA -- Around CAN $500,000 of federal funds will be used to process ground pork from animals slaughtered through the new federal cull breeding swine program."
Whaddaya wanna bet there's a sudden, massive lack of curiosity about this story in the mainstream media... a la Obama-Ayers...
Is there a single mainstream reporter out there who will ask Winnipeg Harvest executive director David Northcott about his sudden surplus of food?

Will any reporter go to any of the agencies that get food form Winnipeg Harvest and ask they why they suddenly don't need any donations?

Who was the Winnipeg Harvest volunteer who allegedly made the decision on his own to feed the strikers ahead of the truly needy.

Wouldn't that be a lovely good news story?
Don't count on seeing that story anytime soon.

Funny how that works.
