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03 October 2008

Now, I'm always a little wary...

...of hyperbolic claims like "world's best coffee"... but this little item caught my eye...
"The Most Efficient Log Splitter Ever Designed"
Anybody know anything about this thing?


UPDATE: Via reader Rich

Apparently screw-splitters can also be run off a tractor pto...
And yes, like any piece of machinery, or tool... you have to watch what you're doing. You don't wanna get in front of a windmilling piece of wood... or have your gloves hung up on the screw.
It sure can't be any more dangerous than using a chainsaw.

Or that other murderous contrivance... the ladder...
The single greatest threat to the physical wellbeing of Ontarians this month has nothing to do with violent crimes or robberies, according to a new Canadian Institute for Health Information report. The true menace, oddly enough, is ladder falls.

On average, 30 people a day were sent to hospital in Ontario last November after falling from a ladder, as people prepared their homes for winter or clean up their gardens, according CIHI.