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01 October 2008


Apparently, it isn't just firefighters... who run back into burning buildings...
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion's wife, Janine Krieber, says she is in fact a key member of her husband's team. Dion always discusses policy ideas with his wife, often during very heated discussions, Krieber says.

"Even before our wedding, from the very first minute we have met, we've discussed politics, policies, political science," Krieber said Tuesday during an interview on Canada AM. "So that's the way we are together."
Well, Janine... looks like you'll have plenty to talk about when Steffi retires later this month.
Liberal support has fallen to its lowest point since Stephane Dion took leadership of the party, while 39 per cent of Canadians would vote Conservative if an election were held today, according to a new nation-wide poll conducted by The Strategic Counsel for CTV and the Globe and Mail.

When broken down by province or region, Ontario showed the largest Conservative gains since the 2006 election results, jumping from 35 per cent to 43 per cent.