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11 October 2008

My good buddy Bob... known reverentially around "The Halls" as St. Bob of Plentiful Firearms... wrote me this morning...
I just don't understand Canadians, I guess we deserve what we get. As part of my Saturday morning ritual I read all the local free rags with several cups of coffee. All of them are so left leaning, bleeding heart liberal.

The editorials, the letters to the editor etc., even coverage of the local debates all slam the Conservatives. Makes me want to buy a bird so I could line the bottom of the cage with these rags.

I just pray that the NDP and the Greens grab enough votes from the Liberals to let the Conservatives run up the middle and get a majority. Then Steffi and Jack will have to fall on their swords and we'll have all new leadership on the left.

Tuesday's gonna be a long day.

RELATED: Which way will the media roll?
