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09 October 2008

Local genius "talk radio" host...

...interviewing Conservative incumbent Daryl Kramp...cuts right to the heart of the global financial crisis... "What do you say to the poor folks who are struggling to pay for hotdogs and Kraft dinner?"

Hmmm... there's a toughie... I've seen some of these folks who've been affected by the stock market slide... slumped up against the City Hotel in Belleville waiting for the opening bell.

I guess I'd say... "Hey, scumbucket.... put down the freakin' crackpipe and start looking for a job!!!"



It's true, Stooge... I have no sympathy for people who choose to throw their lives away. I have even less, when they choose to prey on others to feed their nasty drug habits.

Actions have consequences... take responsibility for your life.

Don't be a parasitic criminal.
