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13 October 2008

Less Hope... more Change

I bet he ain't too fat for a "firing squad"...
-- WASHINGTON (CNN) -- An Ohio death row inmate who says he is too overweight to be executed took his plea to the Supreme Court on Friday.

His lawyers have argued that the inmate-- at 5-foot-7 and 267 pounds -- is "morbidly obese," and has gained about 70 pounds since his incarceration at age 19.

Prison food and confinement in his cell for 23 hours a day, limiting his opportunities for exercise, contributed to his weight problem, his legal team said in recent court filings.
And there's the usual fuzzy-bunny, socialist argle-bargle...
Richard Dieter of the Death Penalty Information Center, a data-resource group that opposes capital punishment, said the Supreme Court indicated that "how you're going to be executed is a civil rights matter, the same as if you were discriminated against on the basis of race or gender or something like that."
Richard... there's just no way around it... you're a moron.

This guy and his buddy, over a period of hours, raped, tortured and murdered two young women.

If there were any real justice in the world... they would already have been beaten to death by their cellmates.
