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22 October 2008

Just say no

Sorry, folks... if we don't get to hang him... this guy should be serving, at minimum... six life sentences...
A man who killed six members of the same B.C. family more than 25 years ago will face his first parole hearing Wednesday at Bowden Institution in central Alberta.

In August 1982, David Ennis, who then went by the last name Shearing, killed George and Edith Bentley, their daughter Jackie Johnson, son-in-law Bob and grandchildren Janet, 13, and Karen, 11.

UPDATE: Back to the slammer, you evil p.o.s.
Mr. Ennis told the board that he should be granted parole because he'd like to make a positive contribution to society.

The board did not immediately give any reasons, but denied his request for both day and full parole.