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16 October 2008

I'm sitting here utterly gobsmacked... Canada continues its slow slide into utter madness...
A multiple killer has been awarded $6,000 in damages because prison officials in Ontario failed to comply with his request for specialty running shoes, in a case that could make it easier for inmates and others to sue government agencies.

The Federal Court of Canada ruled that Correctional Services of Canada engaged in "misfeasance in public office" by repeatedly stalling Gregory McMaster when he asked for his $125 pair of New Balance running shoes.

Four people were killed by McMaster during a six-day spree in the summer of 1978. His victims included a police officer in Minnesota and three other victims in Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec.
I got nuthin'.

(h/t reader pissedoff)



Okay... it took me a while to absorb this one, but I think I've got it...
"my personal feeling here is we should buy them all top-quality construction boots and gloves and re-implement that daily exercise regimen of turning big rocks into tiny ones."

"see... we're always gonna need gravel... tired, introspective convicts are just ice-cream."
