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26 October 2008

If only there were a law...

...wait a minute...
Kyle Weese, 25, has an extensive criminal record and is well known to police in the Leslieville neighbourhood where he lives, said Det. Sgt. Gary Giroux of the homicide squad.

"This is an extremely violent man with an extremely violent history."

Giroux added Weese is prohibited from owning weapons.
Well, you know... maybe we just didn't ask nice enough, huh?


UPDATE: C'mon Dalton, I double-dare you...

...tell us again, how all we need is "more social workers"...
According to news reports, a 21-year-old man with the same name faced numerous weapons and assault charges in February of 2005 after a man was shot on Sherbourne Street.

"Time and time again I am told by Liberals that tougher sentences don't work. They don't reduce crime rates and they don't stop reoffenders."

"What I don't understand is that if this loser had been locked up say, after his second violent crime, how it wouldn't reduce the crime rate? I mean I can think of one extra murder that wouldn't have occurred if they had locked him up for good last time around."

LAST WORD: And rounding out the weekend...
-- TORONTO -- At around 5:30pm, police responded to calls about a person with a gun at 25 Bishop Tutu Blvd. in the Lakeshore and Bathurst area.

It's alleged the youth had just attended a birthday party for an acquaintance's four-year-old daughter when he and two still-unidentified males got involved in an argument with several other guests.

The 15-year-old suspect, a Toronto resident is charged with 13 firearms and weapons charges as well as aggravated assault, breaching a firearms prohibition
and probation.
Yeah... farmers, hunters and gun clubs... that's the real problem here.
