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07 October 2008

If Lizzie May supports Hezbollah...

...she must just love this guy...
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has pardoned a newspaper editor sentenced to jail for publishing an article questioning his state of health.

Ibrahim Issa was last month given a two-month jail sentence for printing pieces a court said were likely to disturb public security.
Funny how the left is always crappin' all over Israel... the only actual democracy in this part of the world.

Meanwhile guys like Mubarak... (and note that, by way of comparison, he's sorta the Walt Disney of Middle Eastern Arab dictators)... get a free ride... mostly, of course, from folks who live on the other side of the world.
The presidential pardon has received a measured response from the Egyptian media. "I don't feel gratitude," said Hisham Kassem, a Cairo newspaper publisher.

"Mubarak needs to answer when he will put an end, once and for all, to the issue of jailing journalists."