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06 October 2008

Hey Dawg... don't look at me

You got a beef with this... take it up with the racist Globe & Mail...
The findings, released quietly last week by Statistics Canada, suggest a new paradigm for understanding immigrants' integration and success.

The old vertical mosaic – with whites from Britain and Europe at the top and visible minorities underneath – is no longer valid. Instead, second and third-generation Chinese and Japanese surpass all other groups of newcomers, including whites, while for blacks and other groups, there is little or no economic mobility across generations.
Hang on... I thought Canada's corrupt, systemically racist society had to take all the blame here.

You're not saying the lunatic-left is out to lunch, are you?
“You can no longer make broad generalizations about how badly visible minorities are doing. Some groups are doing really well, and others are not,” said Jack Jedwab, a historian and head of the Association for Canadian Studies, who wrote a report on the findings.

“We need to rethink the vertical mosaic and look at why mobility is weak among certain ethnic groups.”
Okay, Dawg... you go ahead and give 'em a blast.

I know you've got it in you.
