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02 October 2008

The Debate

I don't really know where to start... but how about... "There's a couple hours of your life you'll never back."?

I gotta confess... after the first little bit... I turned it off. It was either that, or throw the television through the bedroom window.

I mean, for one thing, why are we even giving air-time to the guy who wants to break up the country? I'm surprised he even condescends to speak scary, hidden English. Is anybody (and by anybody, I mean people who haven't just smoked a thumb-sized chunk of hash) really imagining he's ever gonna be in charge of anything... even if Quebec ever gets to be its own country?

Seriously, though... did anybody out there find any of that informative... or even halfway satisfying?

I'd sooner watch paint dry.


"Oh crap, we're living in a fragile economy! Quick government, tax us and give more money to car companies so they can produce more cars no-one wants."

RELATED: The people weigh in at the Globe
"Who do you think won the English-language debate?"

LAST WORD: The socialists are worried...
“It concerns me that Harper sounds the least crazy.”