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04 October 2008

As ye sow...

All bow down and hail the mighty "human rights" industry...
The mother of a Quebec boy who said he was reprimanded at school because of his eating habits held a press conference on Thursday claiming the province's human rights commission was "racially insensitive" in rejecting her son's complaint.

The boy, who is of Filipino ancestry, said the lunchtime supervisor said he was "eating like a pig" and should not have been using both a fork and spoon. His mother, Maria Gallardo, said Luc, now 10, was just eating like other Filipinos.

She claimed the school principal later said the boy should "eat like a Canadian."
Well, at least the government isn't wasting all our tax dollars on frivolous, politically correct nonsense, huh? You've also gotta wonder what the bill for fighting this thing added up to.

And, for the love of Layton, can somebody tell me... what exactly, is "eating like a Filipino?"

It wasn't so long ago that my son was this age... and I can remember a few notable occasions where he and his friends spent what seemed like hours... seeing who could manufacture the most outrageous burping & farting noises... which is, to Mrs Neo's eternal dismay, the kind of thing that small... (and, let's face it, not so small)... boys are famous for.
The school said the boy was reprimanded because of his unruly behaviour.

Last month, Quebec's Human Rights Commission ruled that the boy was reprimanded for his table manners, not his choice of utensils.
Sorry, Maria... no big jackpot today.

Better luck next time.
