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19 October 2008

And once again we have...

...the capricious and unknowable "Will of Allah."
Defense Ministry spokesman General Zahir Azimi says the militants hijacked the bus and its 50 passengers Thursday in the Maiwand district of Kandahar province, a Taliban stronghold.

The spokesman says about 30 dead bodies have been found, six of them beheaded.
That's some bloodthirsty deity.


RELATED: Allah... he's flexible
Taliban militants have launched dozens of suicide bomb attacks this year, about half of them aimed at international troop convoys.

But only some 4 per cent of the victims are foreign soldiers, and the vast majority of those killed, some 80 per cent, are Afghan civilians, security experts say.

LAST WORD: A "made in Afghanistan" solution...
The woman, Gayle Williams, was a UK and South African national. She was killed by two men on a motorbike, witnesses told the BBC.

The Taleban are reported to have said they killed her because she was working for a Christian organisation called Serve Afghanistan.

In August the Taleban killed three foreign women near Kabul.
Gunmen in Somalia have killed an aid worker employed by the United Nations during an attack against humanitarians in the war-ravaged country, witnesses reported Monday.

Southern Somalia resident Abdi Aden said three gunmen shot the Somali employee of the UN Children's Fund, UNICEF, late on Sunday evening as he walked home in the southern town of Hudur.

Another UN employee was shot three days ago as he left a mosque in the port of Merka. Fourteen humanitarian workers have been killed in Somalia so far this year.