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07 October 2008

“All Liberals are united,” Mr. Dion said...

" a campaign stop in British Columbia. “We're more united than ever.”
Entitled Hell or High Water, the book is a first-hand account of Mr. Martin's problem-filled stint as prime minister, and will revisit more than a decade of Martin-Chrétien infighting when it is officially released at the end of the month.

Mr. Martin gives much of the blame for the short life of his government to Mr. Chrétien, saying his predecessor is responsible for the sponsorship scandal's political fallout and the Liberal Party's subsequent funding woes.

Prominent members of the Martin and the Chrétien teams refused to comment, and a Liberal strategist said the word has been sent out to “all troops to focus on the important task at hand.”

Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion also refused to discuss Mr. Martin's assertion that the party is struggling to raise money because of rules Mr. Chrétien enacted.

"What would the media have done if it was reported that conservatives were forbidden to comment on said book."
No scary, controlling Stephane Dion?

Funny how that works, huh?
