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14 September 2008

You think disco sucked?

Check out the new, "improved" Sitemeter.

Now... if the purpose of this little makeover was to convert users of the "free" product to paying subscribers... the Sitemeter people just shot themselves in the face.

I got a brief peek at the new interface before somebody hit the kill switch and it was a real stinkeroo. Their mistake, I think, was to pull some of the functionality from the gratis version... to nudge people towards a pay subscription.

The fact that there were all kinds of technical issues was just the rancid icing on the rotten cake.

Poor planning... worse execution.

I bet the people at Statcounter are tap-dancing on their desks.


UPDATE: Sunday 23:55 - it's still duffed

Looks like there may be a few "technical issues" with stuffing the genie back into the bottle.