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05 September 2008

Who could possibly argue that?

If you put those nasty, racist cops in your kid's school... it'll just make things way more dangerous...
While Toronto's two school boards have yet to name the schools where armed officers will be assigned, two public trustees can already tell you where they won't be – in their wards.

Trustees Chris Bolton (Trinity-Spadina) and Sheila Cary-Meagher (Beaches-East York) have already nixed the idea.
It's gotta be something in the water.


RELATED: The Falconer Report? What's that?
Since Jan. 13, 2006, the panel says it found 177 violent incidents in schools across the district — they include gun incidents, robberies and sexual assaults.

The panel found there were guns in "select schools" across the city “in non-trivial numbers.”
Oh-oh... Dr Dawg is gonna have another stroke.


"We need trivial numbers of guns in all schools!"