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07 September 2008

Well, Jim... this might indeed be...

...systemic something... but before you try to make this into... an "us and them" deal... you might wanna do a little fact checking.
Federation president Jim Sinclair said not enough is being done to protect the rights of immigrant workers.

“We have "a systemic problem" of using a lot of immigrants to do the work, who aren't necessarily trained to do the job,” Mr. Sinclair said. “We need to look deeper into what's going on in this industry.”
Does the B.C. Federation of Labour really think that's what's going on here?

The Canadian "system" is indiscriminately killing immigrants? Seriously?
Property owner Ha Quan Truong could not be reached for comment.
'Cos, so far, I'm not seeing any sort of a systemic "WE" here. Then again, I'm not a union president... they apparently have special powers.
