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14 September 2008


You mainlanders don't know nuthin' about ugly.
"Premier Williams didn't like the last government. He doesn't like this government. And I don't think he'll like the next government, whoever that would be."

UPDATE: "Lard Tunderin' byes... she's run aground!!!"
"My father-in-law has been involved in municipal and provincial politics in NL for over 20 years and he has told me many times that businesses and political volunteers (of all colours) are constantly threatened by Danny and his crew."

"It's been this way since Danny captured a majority, and it is fairly common knowledge that PC coercion was responsible in part for the party sweep in the last provincial election."

"Yes, Williams does wield that much power. I assure you, Lance, that Mr. Fife's report is accurate and no stretch of the truth whatsoever."