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28 September 2008

Now I knew Taliban Jack...

...was a silk-stocking socialist... but I was stunned to hear he's got 52 billion dollars in his back pocket...
"The New Democrats' child benefit will give every middle-class and working family in Canada a raise," he said.

As first disclosed by the Star, families with a household income of $38,000 or less would receive $400 a month per child. Those making less than $188,000-a-household would get $250 a month per child.

And families earning more than $188,000 a year would receive $100 a month per child.
And once they eliminate poverty... I hear the party of Cheech & Chow is gonna be reaching out to our animal friends.

Yup... say goodbye to Cherry Garcia.


"I do agree with helping low income families. In fact we should just raise the personal exemption amount so they don't pay the money in taxes and then have to wait to see if they get it back."

"Just let people keep their money."