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08 September 2008

It's about time somebody...

...cracked down on those gun-happy Albertans...
-- Calgary -- "In all of these things we can find connections [to gang activity], but right now it's more in that bigger world of other criminals," Insp. Pollock said. "The deceased is known to us and may have some enemies."
Well, begging your pardon, Inspector... not any more, he doesn't.
When approached outside the community centre, the family of the victim declined to speak to reporters. One member of the group, several of whom were wearing traditional Somali head scarves, indicated that the family was visiting from Ottawa.

The fatal shooting is the 30th homicide in Calgary this year, as a rash of gang-related violence has hit the city.
"Paging Dr Dawg..."


UPDATE: Murder victim identified
"The dead man is being identified by friends as 20-year-old Abdullah Hussein, who also went by the nickname Stylez."