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10 September 2008

I'm not sure...

...that telling the Taliban how long they have to hang on for... is such a good idea...
The statement is a change for Mr. Harper, who had acknowledged in April that it was possible down the road that Canada's NATO allies might ask Ottawa to extend its Afghan commitment beyond 2011.

RELATED: Speaking of "surprises"...

...looks like Lizzie-May's gonna get a seat at the table.
The political path has been cleared for Elizabeth May to participate in the televised leaders debates after first NDP Leader Jack Layton and minutes later Conservative Leader Stephen Harper withdrew threats to boycott.
This decision will actually split the vote on the left... so I'm not sure why the Liberals are celebrating here...
Liberal Senator Jim Munson said the announcements showed his party had been correct to accept the Green presence.

“Let the record show we were on the side of the angels.”