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04 September 2008

Iiiiiiiicebuuuuuurg.... straight ahead!!!!

You don't wanna be standing under a window ledge at the CBC building tonight...
Canadians are most likely to vote for the Conservatives in a federal election, and believe Stephen Harper and Jack Layton would make better prime ministers than Stéphane Dion, according to a new poll sponsored by CBC News.

"This is the big story — the strength of Conservative support in Ontario and how their support has inched upward over the past several months," Dasko said.

The Conservatives also have firm support in the Prairies (53 Conservative, 22 Liberal) and in British Columbia (35 Conservative, 28 NDP, 26 Liberal).
(h/t reader rich)

And a little icing on the cake...

FROM THE COMMENTS: Okay, everybody settle down...

Anony-mouse knows why the Conservatives are polling so high...
"In Ontario at least, all the Liberal supporters were up at the cottage for the last long weekend of the summer!"
And no... he's not kidding.

Of course, there are always alternative theories...
"As of this month the residents of Toronto must pay an extra fee on top of their licence renewal as a special Toronto only tax. My guess is they finally put two and two together and figured out where all that 'government money' actually comes from."
"Well, I spent the weekend up at a cottage. I hope it doesn't turn me Liberal, sorta like West Nile."

-- QUEBEC CITY -- The Conservatives and the Bloc Québécois are deadlocked in a virtual tie in Quebec, with polling numbers suggesting that Stephen Harper is poised to make major inroads in the province as he prepares to call an election this weekend.