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25 September 2008

I sure hope the Toronto Sun...

...has a separate fuse panel for their switchboard... because Peter Worthington just did it again... yeah, the simple truth...
Toronto -- Canada, in fact -- has had an effective ban on handguns since 1934, when mandatory registration was imposed and ownership made relatively strict and selective.

And for most of those 74 years of handgun registration, abuses were manageable, with indiscriminate and organized shootings relatively rare -- unlike today, when weddings, funerals, parties, nightclubs, and school functions have become dangerous.

Is it not valid to assess which elements of the city's population are using guns to settle disputes, or are using them as status symbols and causing unimaginable grief and misery to families whose kids are having their lives cut short or irreparably damaged due to being shot?

Do these people not deserve protection from the gunslingers?

The police know the tenderloin areas, the danger spots. They may even know, or think they know, individuals and gangs that do the shooting -- but are unable to act because, well, because that could be called "profiling" or discriminatory.

If the excessive use of guns is a disease in some cities, surely the disease needs to be diagnosed before a cure can be found. And a diagnosis will inevitable raise the question of drugs, territorial disputes, intimidation, revenge, ethnicity and cultural background.

Instituting a ban of handguns will change nothing. It is not even treating the symptom of the disease. As has been said before, banning guns because innocent people (and some not so innocent) are being shot, is like blaming pens and pencils for spelling mistakes that people make.
Okay, everybody get under their desks... this is gonna get ugly.


RELATED: "If only there was some sort of law..."
-- TORONTO -- A man is facing multiple drugs and weapons charges after a brazen afternoon shooting in the heart of downtown Toronto.

Shots were fired at Yonge and Alexander Streets at around 5:30 p.m., at a time when people were heading home from work and school for the day.

"Here's one for you, complicated for the left to understand, but one that will work."

"Less leftist cuddling criminals = less criminals."

LAST WORD: Wake up... and smell the moonbats
