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04 September 2008

Honestly, Steffi...

I'm not sure... "Your momma's so fat..." is your best strategy here...
"There is more culture in a container of yogurt than in this Conservative government," said Mr. Dion, referring to the government's recent decision to cut arts and culture programs.
Hoo, baby... talk about "eye of the tiger", huh?
He also announced changes to his so-called Green Shift plan after spending a summer hearing criticism from his own MPs, especially those from the Atlantic provinces, and from farmers, truckers and fishermen.
The Prime Minister, meanwhile, decides to stick with actual issues...
"I think it's a crazy time for the country to take risks," Mr. Harper told reporters in Windsor, Ont.

"I think when in the middle of a slowdown, an opposition leader is proposing new taxes and tells the Canadian people after several months that he's still changing it on the back of envelopes after meetings, I think people's alarm bells should be up."
Sure, the PM mixes a metaphor here... but I'm thinkin'... you're pullin' out 'the yogurt analogy'... it's all over.


CONTRAST: Over at the Toronto "Red" Star...

...they've somehow overlooked the yogurt quote.
The Star goes with the "time-tested"... lackey of George Bush gambit.

Good grief.


FROM THE COMMENTS: Well, at least we know...

...that Steffi's playing to his constituency...
Apparently... some people just can't have too many references to poop...
That including your own "laugh track"... there's a nice touch... and it sounds so familiar...
Looks like Mr Poopy Pants just got busted.


That's gonna leave a mark!