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15 September 2008

Good ol' Canadian Cynic

You're fresh off attacking the "International Jewish Conspiracy"... what can you possibly do for an encore?

Of course... the Pope.


UPDATE: A reader writes...

"That's nothing... how on earth did you miss this?

RELATED: And what does race-warrior Dr Dawg say?

He's gonna stick with the venerable O.J. defense... "Free CC... so he can find the real racists."


LAST WORD: Paging Dr Dawg...

Hey, dumbstick... better rally the troops... the racist Globe and Mail is at it again...
-- Kinshasa -- Accusations that a soccer player was using witchcraft during a local match in eastern Congo sparked a riot that killed 13 people, a UN-funded radio station reported Monday.

Most of the victims were between the ages of 11 and 16, Radio Okapi said. They were suffocated during the mayhem Sunday in Butembo in eastern Congo's North Kivu province.