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16 September 2008

Given all that... I'm still thinkin'... could do worse than the guy... with the Masters degree in Economics...
Unfortunately for politicians, despite their best or worst efforts, if this recession comes along when they’re in charge, they will get blamed, and it will be their fault.

Could Stephen Harper stop the subprime crisis? Clearly not. Could Stephen Harper stop the manufacturing sector from crashing due to high fuel prices and cheap labour overseas? Not in the slightest.

Could someone have stopped these things from happening? Possibly, but 6 months, 12 months down the line, something else would have happened, there is always the potential for something to happen.

RELATED: Let's run these numbers...

Whaddaya figure it costs taxpayers to have stuff like this clogging up the judicial system for five years...
For years, the Great Blue Heron Charity Casino in Port Perry, Ont., had a simple policy when it came to cleaning the casino's bathrooms – male employees cleaned the men's rooms and female staff the women's.

That might have remained the case were it not for Joanne Seguin, a part-time washroom attendant who complained that the policy was discriminatory. Her complaint has turned into a five-year battle and so far she's winning.

Last year, the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario ordered the casino to give her back pay plus $10,000 for “loss of dignity.”
Another landmark Human Rights triumph for Dalton McSlippery's nanny-state Ontario.
