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10 September 2008

The first thing we do... take the legally-registered firearms away from perfectly law-abiding citizens... and that should stop all the homicidal thugs... HEY... wait a minute...
Premier Dalton McGuinty said he's had enough of the violence and agreed with Miller by saying that no one should be able to possess a gun unless they are a police officer.

McGuinty said that a handgun ban would help distinguish Canada from the so-called gun culture south of the border.

"I think we should aspire to be a handgun-free society."

RELATED: If McSlippery actually got a ban...

...he'd end up crapping himself...
Sure a ban won’t make any difference. The gangs won’t care in the slightest.

But then at least Mayor Miller and Mr. Dion and Premier McGuinty can stop falling back on the same tired old demand, and concentrate on programs that might actually do some good.