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16 September 2008

Don't get me wrong...

...I'm all for Science... and Law and Order... but I think we're crossing a line here...
Authorities in Petah Tikva, near Tel Aviv, are setting up a special DNA database of local dogs. They will use the data to match dogs' droppings to owners - and punish those who do not clean up after their pets.

RELATED: While we're on "stoop & scoop"
A look back at the October, 2007, Vision Green document reveals just how much Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion borrowed from the Greens to come up with his carbon-tax plan, which he released in June.

Whereas the Greens promised a “Green tax shift,” Mr. Dion labelled his plan the “Green Shift.” Mr. Dion also repeatedly uses a version of a sentence that appears in the Green Party document: “The Green Party will reduce taxes on things we all want, like income and employment, and we will increase taxes on things we do not want - things that harm people and our environment.”

Mr. Dion has also copied the Green Party's plan to direct carbon-tax revenue toward measures aimed at reducing poverty.