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05 September 2008

"Basically I'm hoping to stop them..."

"...from destroying our name because if it goes through an election we're forced with re-branding our entire company," Wright told in a phone interview Thursday.

"We're just fighting to do everything we can to keep our name intact and to keep it associated with the environmental company and the integrity that it upholds and not have it politicized."

"They are taking more and more of the ownership of the name every day, even in the way the media reports on them it becomes almost synonymous with the Liberal party."
(h/t reader rich)


RELATED: Funny how that works...
Ironically, forcing the Liberals to stop talking about what they call "The Green Shift", that is, Stephane Dion's carbon tax plan, might actually help the Liberals in the long term.

The carbon tax is turning into an albatross for the Liberals.