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01 August 2008

Yeah... surprise

"Farmers, hunters and target shooters..." -- well, you know the drill -- it's not any of them, again...
Toronto Police have been battling a rash of gunplay for much of 2008 and on Thursday night yet another incident forced officers into action.

Shots rang out in the Jane and Trethewey area, south of Lawrence Ave. West a little before 10pm, sending what police believe is a man in his 20s to hospital.

The victim was reportedly hit in the back and was listed in serious condition at the time of admission.

RELATED: Feeling safer yet?
So what are "the real numbers"?

LAST WORD: Call me "Nervous Nellie"...

...but any time the cops call for "all hands on deck"... I'll just stay home and fire up the BBQ... thank you very much.
