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16 August 2008

Well, whaddaya know...

Seems us scary, hidden knuckle-draggin' neocons... didn't kill Canadian culture after all.
-- OTTAWA -- The federal government, after three years with the Conservatives in charge, is spending more on cultural programs each year than it did during the last year of the Liberal government, according to a Canwest News Service analysis of government financial documents.
It sure didn't stop the Chicken Little Liberals from running around screaming blue murder... but as it turns out, you just have to add up the numbers.
For the current fiscal year, which ends March 31, 2009, Parliament has voted to spend more than $4 billion on cultural programs, including the CBC, the Canada Arts Council, the National Gallery of Canada and the Department of Canadian Heritage.

That amount is $660 million or 19.7 per cent more than was spent in fiscal 2006, the last year when the Liberals controlled the purse strings.
(h/t reader rich)


RELATED: How about we start looking at...

...a real threat to Canadian culture?
