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20 August 2008

So, Stephane... all that palaver...

...about bringing down the government... you were, what... just kidding?
Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion said the Prime Minister's comments show Mr. Harper is willing to break his word and his law for political convenience.

Mr. Dion said he has not decided whether he will move in the Commons to bring down the government in the fall, but added, “It is something that we may do.”
And the prime Minister replies...
"We did establish a fixed date for the next election. That said, in this minority Parliament, two of the parties, the Bloc [Québécois] and the NDP, have indicated for some months now that they want an election immediately."

"Mr. Dion has indicated that the government has to be defeated, but he's not sure when he'll do that because he hasn't got good enough polls.
Game, set... and testicles.
