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15 August 2008

Mothra v. Godzilla

Apparently, the Canadian Human Rights industry has crossed the line into full-blown insanity... and is starting to consume its own tentacles...
Respectfully, while the Commission is prepared to provide the Tribunal and parties with the reasons for its decision to no longer participate in this case; in order to preserve our jurisdiction we would be compelled to immediately challenge before the Federal Court any decision ordering the Commission to participate in a given case.

We would also seek an adjournment of this matter for that purpose.
And, of course, they're all about saving the taxpayer (cough,cough) unnecessary expenses.
Further, in order to minimize the expenses to the taxpayers of having to be present at the start of the hearing, we respectfully request that a telephone or video conference be held in order to allow the Commission to provide the reasons for its decision to no longer participate and to deal with any issues arising therefrom.

In addition, it would be more appropriate for discussions on possible settlement negotiations to be held before the hearing begins.
This oughta be good.
