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08 August 2008

More bad news for Libs & Dippers... Canadian troops continue to majorly kick... backstabbin', drug-dealin' jihadi ass.
-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- Canadian soldiers appear to have caught the Taliban off guard in a large multi-national operation in the lawless region of western Kandahar province where insurgents have usually felt relatively safe.

Military officials won't reveal how many troops are taking part in the ongoing operation but say they have so far seized large quantities of bomb-making equipment and drugs.

"Narcotics, weapons, all the paraphernalia you would associate with insurgents we did find out there," said Canadian Maj. Fraser Auld.
And the thoughtful, progressive left responds in the comments
"neo-nazi masturbates vigorously..."
Thanks, CC... you never fail to disappoint.


UPDATE: The CC crew tries a different tactic

They're gonna bombard me with offensive troll spam in the comments. And Nonny is so excited... he's having trouble typing properly.
The plan here was to be so obnoxious that I'd start deleting the comments.

And I'm happy to oblige.

And Nonny? Let's see how Rogers feels about all the "neo-nazi" stuff.
