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15 August 2008

Just a little something...

...for all of you who were too young to really enjoy the Cuban Missile Crisis...
The deal reflected growing alarm in countries like Poland, once a conquered Soviet client state, about a newly rich and powerful Russia's intentions in its former cold war sphere of power. In fact, negotiations dragged on for 18 months — but were completed only as old memories and new fears surfaced in recent days.
And all those dumbass jokes notwithstanding... the Poles are playing this one really close to the vest...
Those fears were codified to some degree in what Polish and American officials characterized as unusual aspects of the final deal: that at least temporarily American soldiers would staff air defense sites in Poland oriented toward Russia, and that the United States would be obliged to defend Poland in case of an attack with greater speed than required under NATO, of which Poland is a member.

UPDATE: Russia reacts to the news
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says a planned U.S. missile defense system in eastern Europe is aimed at Russia.

Mr. Medvedev's remark comes one day after U.S. and Polish negotiators reached a preliminary agreement to deploy part of the system in Poland.

UPDATE2: Russia really reacts to the news
-- MOSCOW (AP) -- A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons, the Interfax news agency reported.
(via reader rich)